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Overlapping routes are not working in Koa.js

When I call /my/abc/create, I always get status 400 because of the first entrypoint. How can I call second endpoint? I prefer not to change the entrypoint order.

var Router = require('koa-router');

var router = Router();

router.get('/my/:path/:id', (ctx) =>{
    if (isNaN(Number( { // if not numeric
        ctx.status = 400;
    console.log('route id')
router.get('/my/:path/create', (ctx) =>{ 
    console.log('route create')


  • RESTfully speaking, you wouldn't have a create route at all:

    router.get('/my/:path/:id', (ctx) => /* get entity */)'/my/:path', (ctx) => /* create entity */)
    router.patch('/my/:path/:id', (ctx) => /* update entity */)
    router.delete('/my/:path/:id', (ctx) => /* delete entity */)