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How to get VM options in application when running gradle?

I run gradle task:

gradle test -DtestProfile=dockerTest

When I trying to get this variable from application:


I get null.

How to correctly get VM options in application?

Some explains.

I have some profiles for running tests in different environments. And different properties for each profile, looking like:


Each environment should start their own tests depends of its profile. Than, I wrote resolver:

class TestActiveProfilesResolver : ActiveProfilesResolver {

    override fun resolve(testClass: Class<*>): Array<String> =

to use it here:

@ActiveProfiles(resolver = TestActiveProfilesResolver::class)

And I want to send 'testProfile' variable when gradle test starts, with VM variable -DtestProfile=dockerTest, for example.

But System.getProperty("testProfile") == null.


  • There's two JVM's to consider here

    1. Gradle's JVM
    2. The Application's JVM

    When you pass a "-D" parameter to Gradle you are setting a system property in Gradle's JVM which is not the same JVM that runs your application

    You haven't said how you are running your application yet.

    • Are you running the application in a test case?
    • Are you running it via the "run" task from the application plugin?

    If you wanted to set the property during tests you'd do something like

    test {
       systemProperty 'testProfile', 'dockerTest'

    If you wanted to set the system property when running your application via the "application" plugin you'd do

    apply plugin: 'application'
    run {
       systemProperty 'testProfile', 'dockerTest'