Search code examples

Sorting first by text then by number on alpha numeric strings

I have an array like this


where i want it to sort first by text then by number like below


I used local compare but it didn't seem to be working.

function desc(a,b){
  //below is the code that needs improvement
  return b.toString().localeCompare(a, undefined, {
    numeric: true,
    sensitivity: "base",

function sort(order) {
  return order === "desc"
    ? (a, b) => desc(a, b)
    : (a, b) => -desc(a, b);

function stableSort(array, cmp){
  const stabilizedThis =, index) => [el, index]);
  stabilizedThis.sort((a, b) => {
    const order = cmp(a[0], b[0]);
    if (order !== 0) return order;
    return (a[1]) - (b[1]);
  return => el[0]);

var arr = ["1","0K","11",1,"KE","PQ",5,"5"];
console.log(stableSort(arr, sort("asc")))


  • You could write filter methods to get the strings containing numbers, remove the entries, get numbers and strings separately from rest and then sort them in the way you like.

    const data = ["1","0K","11",1,"KE","PQ",5,"5"];
    const stringsWithNumbers = data.filter(x => /\d+[a-zA-Z]/.test(x));
    const rest = data.filter(x => !stringsWithNumbers.includes(x));
    const numbers = rest.filter((x) => parseInt(x, 10));
    const words = rest.filter((x) => !parseInt(x, 10));
    const result = [
      ...words.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)), 
      ...stringsWithNumbers.concat(numbers).sort((a, b) => parseInt(a) - parseInt(b)),