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Take element from a string in VB6

I have a string in this format similar to the json. Generated by the following code:

str = "{"
str &= Chr(34) & "code" & Chr(34) + ":" & Chr(34) & "0000001" & Chr(34)
str &= Chr(34) & "name" & Chr(34) + ":" & Chr(34) & "product 1" & Chr(34)
str &= Chr(34) & "value" & Chr(34) + ":" & Chr(34) & "150.00" & Chr(34)
str &= "}"

I just need to get the value after the code, name and value. I cannot find an effective method to do this, as I will have to generalize to more terms later. How can I do this without transforming to JSON?


  • The code snippet you provide produces this string:

    {"code":"0000001""name":"product 1""value":"150.00"}

    Assuming you really are using VB6 to process this string, the following code breaks out the values:

    Private Sub Test(ByVal str As String)
       Dim groups As Variant
       Dim values As Variant
       Dim i As Integer
       str = Replace(str, "{", "")
       str = Replace(str, "}", "")
       str = Replace(str, """""", ",")
       str = Replace(str, """", "")
       groups = Split(str, ",")
       For i = LBound(groups) To UBound(groups)
          values = Split(groups(i), ":")
          Debug.Print values(1)
    End Sub

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