I have a service which retrieve historical data and saves it in MySQL table
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
_logger.LogInformation("Worker running at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);
//Get Relevant Gateways
string GetRouters = "SELECT * FROM RouterModel;";
var Routers = await dataAccess.LoadData<RouterModel, dynamic>(GetRouters, new { }, _config.GetConnectionString("MainDB"));
string GetMeters = "SELECT * FROM PowerMeterModel;";
var Meters = await dataAccess.LoadData<PowerMeterModel, dynamic>(GetMeters, new { }, _config.GetConnectionString("MainDB"));
foreach (RouterModel Router in Routers)
if (Router.IsHavePowerMeters)
foreach (PowerMeterModel Meter in Meters.Where(x => x.IdGateway == Router.Id).ToList())
if (Meter.IsActive)
actionList.Add(new Action(() =>
GetHistory(Router, Meter);
_logger.LogInformation("Synced History meter:" + Meter.SerialNumber.ToString());
_logger.LogWarning("*************** Sync loop is finished ***************");
await Task.Delay(60*1000, stoppingToken);
public async void GetHistory(RouterModel Router, PowerMeterModel Meter)
Web device = new() { IpAddress = Router.IpAddress, UserName = Meter.Username, Password = Meter.Password, Port = Meter.TcpPort };
StringBuilder SqlQuery = new();
StringBuilder TimeString = new();
ElnetMcMapping elnetMcMapping = new();
ElnetMcModel mcReadings = new();
if (Meter.ModelClass == nameof(ElnetMcModel).ToString())
for (int day = 1; day < 4; day++)
List<List<double>> responeData = new();
DateTime date = todayDate.AddDays(-day);
for (int j = 0; j < elnetMcMapping.DataItems.Count; j += 8)
var items = elnetMcMapping.DataItems.Skip(j).Take(8);
device.Items = items.Select(x => x.Address.ToString()).ToList();
var responseString = device.GetElnetReadings(httpClient, 2, date);
if (responseString != null)
int check = responeData.Count;
else { return; }
for (int j = 0; j < elnetMcMapping.DataItems.Count; j++) { elnetMcMapping.DataItems[j].Value = responeData[j]; }
foreach (MetaData metaData in elnetMcMapping.DataItems)
Type type = mcReadings.GetType();
PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty(metaData.Label);
if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(decimal)) { prop.SetValue(mcReadings, Convert.ToDecimal(metaData.Value[0]) * metaData.Multiplier, null); }
else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { prop.SetValue(mcReadings, metaData.Value[0].ToString(), null); }
else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(int)) { prop.SetValue(mcReadings, int.Parse(metaData.Value[0].ToString()), null); }
else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime)) { prop.SetValue(mcReadings, DateTime.Now, null); }
else { return; }
var propList = mcReadings.GetType().GetProperties().ToList();
SqlQuery.Append("INSERT INTO " + Meter.DataTableName + " (");
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in propList) { SqlQuery.Append(prop.Name + ","); }
SqlQuery.Remove(SqlQuery.Length - 1, 1);
SqlQuery.Append(") VALUES (");
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in propList)
if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
DateTime dateTime = (DateTime)prop.GetValue(mcReadings);
SqlQuery.Append("'" + dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'" + ",");
else { SqlQuery.Append(prop.GetValue(mcReadings).ToString() + ","); }
SqlQuery.Remove(SqlQuery.Length - 1, 1);
await dataAccess.SaveData(SqlQuery.ToString(), mcReadings, _config.GetConnectionString("PwrMeterDb"));
The above code should add only 4 MySql rows, instead I get 6, it seems like the whole method
is starting all over again for each time the loop for (int day = 1; day < 4; day++)
cahnges its value.
Instead getting 4 rows (one for each day) I get 6
Instead getting 5 rows (one for each day) I get 10
Instead getting 6 rows (one for each day) I get 15
Instead getting 7 rows (one for each day) I get 21
Any ideas what could be wrong ?
You're not clearing the SqlQuery
object at the beginning of each loop.
So, in the first iteration, it has one INSERT
query. In the second iteration, it has two, for a total of three INSERTs. In the third iteration, it has three, for a total of six. In the fourth iteration, it has four INSERTs, for a total of ten. This produces the 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21 sequence you're observing.
Call SqlQuery.Clear()
at the beginning of each loop.