I have a column on my worksheet that is supposed to be ranges of numbers like this (Random Digit Assignment).
Each cell are created by the ROW formula.
For Example
(E4): =ROWS(D4:D4)(D41000)&" - "&ROWS(D5:D5)(D51000) (but it does not matter)
Now, what I want is to search numbers within those ranges in cells. Like I want to search 210 and the result that I want is 5
Is that possible? How?
You could use:
=MATCH(210,--LEFT(E3:E18,FIND(" ",E3:E18)))
If you don't have ms365 and you don't want to CSE this formula use:
=MATCH(210,INDEX(--LEFT(E3:E18,FIND(" ",E3:E18)),))