Search code examples

How to search within a range of numbers in a cell in Excel?

I have a column on my worksheet that is supposed to be ranges of numbers like this (Random Digit Assignment).

enter image description here

Each cell are created by the ROW formula.

For Example

(E4): =ROWS(D4:D4)(D41000)&" - "&ROWS(D5:D5)(D51000) (but it does not matter)

Now, what I want is to search numbers within those ranges in cells. Like I want to search 210 and the result that I want is 5

Is that possible? How?


  • You could use:

    =MATCH(210,--LEFT(E3:E18,FIND(" ",E3:E18)))

    If you don't have ms365 and you don't want to CSE this formula use:

    =MATCH(210,INDEX(--LEFT(E3:E18,FIND(" ",E3:E18)),))