Can I set timeout that keep on hold for 3 second one of two css classes of element. The second class of the element appears if the field meets a condition. But before this class is applied I would like to set a timer that waits 3 seconds. Example:
$x = rand(1,3);
<div class="first <?php if($x == 1){ echo"second"};?>"></div>
<div class="first <?php if($x == 2){ echo"second"};?>"></div>
<div class="first <?php if($x == 3){ echo"second"};?>"></div>
If class second exist
for an element then
remove/hold/pause it for
3 seconds and then run it.
Thank you in advance.
Since you say you are not expert in javascript and are studying php/html/css, you may try with CSS animation properties. Be aware that animation is an advanced topic in general. A better solution might be the javascript one that Mister Jojo provided.
I could understand that:
Following there is a possible implementation, based on the previous assumptions.
.first {
background-color: lightblue;
.second {
animation-delay: 3s;
animation-duration: 1ms;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
animation-iteration-count: 1;
animation-name: delayChangeColor;
@keyframes delayChangeColor {
to {
background-color: red;
<div class="first">1</div>
<div class="first second">2</div>
<div class="first">3</div>