When manually creating a Game Object and adding a Skinned Mesh Renderer component, it doesn't show anything when it should show my model, even though the model is selected in the settings. When dragging in an fbx asset with animations into the scene, it automatically creates the necessary Skinned Mesh Renderer component, and this one shows the model. Even though my manual settings are identical to the one generated by Unity, it still doesn't show the model unless I copy the settings from the working component to the nonworking one. What is going on here? Is there some settings I cannot see that are getting copied?
Edit: additional info
Unity version 2020.3.17f1
Steps to reproduce:
I used C# to copy various properties from the working one to the nonworking one until one appeared to make it show, bones. There is no bones tab in the inspector for Skinned Mesh Renderer as it appears to be hidden from view.
To repeat more simply, setting SkinnedMeshRenderer.bones in C# is what made the model show.