I want to get the values from a JSON highlighted in the image. Can anyone help me, how can I build a path to get these values. With the code I have it returns me all the id, but I only need a second object that is in the array. For more details I have left an example in the image.
I'm using Restassured to do it.
public static List<String> JSON_UltimateParent(String parent) {
baseURI = uri;
List<List<String>> LinkedListUltimate =
.auth().basic(getJiraUser(), getJiraPass())
.param("limit", "74000000")
.param("count", "false")
.param("sort", "accountId")
.get("/counterparties.json?"+ parent)
List<String> ultimates = linkedList_To_List(LinkedListUltimate);
return ultimates;
This method make the parse to list
public static List<String> linkedList_To_List(List<List<String>> response){
List<String> accountIds = response.stream().flatMap(l-> l.stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());
return accountIds;
I use jsonpath jayway, this is the sample code:
String res = given()...asString();
List<String> ids = JsonPath.read(res, "$..identifier[?(@.type == 'CLIENTREF')].id");