I'm trying to extend the default Account interface in order to comply with GDPR, meaning I'd like to enable a user to delete their own profile.
The way I thought I'd go about it is by creating an endpoint eg.: http://keycloak/auth/realms/my-realm/account/delete
However the documentation is really unclear on what I should be doing.
I managed to get a custom REST endpoint working, but I'm trying to make this accessible in a browser only, without any auth tokens.
My second idea was to create a custom SPI, but once again the documentation fails to explain in detail how you would go about this. I'm not even certain at all that what I need is an SPI.
Basically what I want to achieve is this:
Any ideas on how to implement this? I'm willing to use existing solutions as well if any exists.
Account deletion is available as scince KEYCLOAK-953.
See Enabling account deletion by users.
Note that it's also possible to adding custom attributes.