I need something help.. I'm trying to make an async request but the response is a Promise { <pending> }
This is my code
const getBalance = async (adress) => {
try {
let wei = await web3.eth.getBalance(address);
} catch (err) {
let balanceWallet = getBalance(address);
So when I run my code to debug it returns Promise { <pending> }
I don't know what's wrong in my code
getBalance is an async function :) JS does not allow us to use async/await on the program top level but we can use then/catch to get promise result)
You just have to use (but before u have to change getBalance function and return promise there)
const getBalance = (adress) => web3.eth.getBalance(address);
.then(balanceWallet => {
// some logic with result
.catch(error => /** handle an error **/ )
I hope it helps! Enjoy programming!