Search code examples

Why are Java value objects coming back as Generic Flex objects?

I will try to give as much detail as I can.

I am creating an CRM application using Flex(Cairngorm 2)/Java/Hibernate. The basic problem I am having is this:

I have a Customer class in Java that has an ArrayList of Address classes. I have a Customer class in Flex that has an ArrayCollection of Address classes.

When I make the remote object call for a Customer I get back a Customer object in Flex, but the ArrayCollecion objects have a data type of Object instead of Address.

If I try to call for a List of Address classes I get the same result. If I try to call for a List of Customer classes I get a list of Customer classes in Flex.

Using tomcat 6 with the following jars:


package com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.vo.customer


import com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.vo.common.AttributeCollection;

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;



public class Customer


    public var customerId:int;

    public var startDate:Date = new Date();

    public var endDate:Date = new Date();

    public var createdDate:Date = new Date();

    public var customerFirstName:String;            

    public var customerLastName:String;         

    public var customerUserName:String;     

    public var customerPassWord:String;

    public var addresses:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

    public var phones:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

    public var customerOrders:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

    public var webSites:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

    public var emails:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

    public var attributes:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

    public var attributeCollection:AttributeCollection = new AttributeCollection();

    public function Customer()






package com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.vo.common




public class Address 


    public var addressId:int;

    public var address1:String;

    public var address2:String; 

    public var city:String;

    public var state:State = new State();

    public var zipCode:String;

    public var addressType:AddressType = new AddressType();

    public var country:Country = new Country();

    public var primaryNumber:int;

    public var primaryAddress:Boolean;

    public var startDate:Date;

    public var endDate:Date;

    public function Address()






package com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.customer;

 import java.util.ArrayList;

 import java.util.Date;

 import java.util.HashSet;

 import java.util.List;

 import java.util.Set;

 import com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.Address;

 import com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.Attribute;

 import com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.AttributeCollection;

 import com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.EmailAddress;

 import com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.Phone;

 import com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.WebAddress;

 import com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.order.Order;

 public class Customer {

private int customerId;

private Date startDate;

private Date endDate;

private String customerFirstName;           

private String customerLastName;            

private Date createdDate;

private String customerUserName;        

private String customerPassWord;

private List<Address> addresses = new ArrayList<Address>();

private List<Phone> phones = new ArrayList<Phone>();

private List<Order> customerOrders = new ArrayList<Order>();

private List<WebAddress> webSites = new ArrayList<WebAddress>();

private List<EmailAddress> emails = new ArrayList<EmailAddress>();

private List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>();

private AttributeCollection attributeCollection;

public String getCustomerFirstName() {

    return customerFirstName;


public void setCustomerFirstName(String customerFirstName) {

    this.customerFirstName = customerFirstName;


public String getCustomerLastName() {

    return customerLastName;


public void setCustomerLastName(String customerLastName) {

    this.customerLastName = customerLastName;


public String getCustomerUserName() {

    return customerUserName;


public void setCustomerUserName(String customerUserName) {

    this.customerUserName = customerUserName;


public String getCustomerPassWord() {

    return customerPassWord;


public void setCustomerPassWord(String customerPassWord) {

    this.customerPassWord = customerPassWord;


public List<Address> getAddresses() {

    return addresses;


public void setAddresses(List<Address> addresses) {

    this.addresses = addresses;


public List<Phone> getPhones() {

    return phones;


public void setPhones(List<Phone> phones) {

    this.phones = phones;


public String getFullName(){

    return this.getCustomerFirstName() + " " + this.getCustomerLastName();



 * @return the createdDate


public Date getCreatedDate() {

    return createdDate;



 * @param createdDate the createdDate to set


public void setCreatedDate(Date createdDate) {

    this.createdDate = createdDate;



 * @return the customerOrders


public List<Order> getCustomerOrders() {

    return customerOrders;



 * @param customerOrders the customerOrders to set


public void setCustomerOrders(List<Order> customerOrders) {

    this.customerOrders = customerOrders;



 * @return the webSites


public List<WebAddress> getWebSites() {

    return webSites;



 * @param webSites the webSites to set


public void setWebSites(List<WebAddress> webSites) {

    this.webSites = webSites;



 * @return the emails


public List<EmailAddress> getEmails() {

    return emails;



 * @param emails the emails to set


public void setEmails(List<EmailAddress> emails) {

    this.emails = emails;



 * @return the attributeCollection


public AttributeCollection getAttributeCollection() {

    return attributeCollection;



 * @param attributeCollection the attributeCollection to set


public void setAttributeCollection(AttributeCollection attributeCollection) {

    this.attributeCollection = attributeCollection;



 * @return the attributes


public List<Attribute> getAttributes() {

    return attributes;



 * @param attributes the attributes to set


public void setAttributes(List<Attribute> attributes) {

    this.attributes = attributes;



 * @return the customerId


public int getCustomerId() {

    return customerId;



 * @param customerId the customerId to set


public void setCustomerId(int customerId) {

    this.customerId = customerId;



 * @return the startDate


public Date getStartDate() {

    return startDate;



 * @param startDate the startDate to set


public void setStartDate(Date startDate) {

    this.startDate = startDate;



 * @return the endDate


public Date getEndDate() {

    return endDate;



 * @param endDate the endDate to set


public void setEndDate(Date endDate) {

    this.endDate = endDate;


/* (non-Javadoc)

 * @see java.lang.Object#toString()



public String toString() {

    return "ID=" + this.getCustomerId() + "|FirstName=" + this.getCustomerFirstName() + "|LastName=" + this.getCustomerLastName();



 package com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common;

import java.util.Date;

public class Address {

private int addressId;

private Date startDate;

private Date endDate;

private String address1;

private String address2; 

private String city;

private State state;

private String zipCode;

private AddressType addressType;

private Country country;

private boolean primaryAddress;

public Country getCountry() {

    return country;


public void setCountry(Country country) { = country;


public AddressType getAddressType() {

    return addressType;


public void setAddressType(AddressType addressType) {

    this.addressType = addressType;


public String getAddress1() {

    return address1;


public void setAddress1(String address1) {

    this.address1 = address1;


public String getAddress2() {

    return address2;


public void setAddress2(String address2) {

    this.address2 = address2;


public String getCity() {

    return city;


public void setCity(String city) { = city;


public State getState() {

    return state;


public void setState(State state) {

    this.state = state;


public String getZipCode() {

    return zipCode;


public void setZipCode(String zipCode) {

    this.zipCode = zipCode;



 * @return the primaryAddress


public boolean isPrimaryAddress() {

    return primaryAddress;



 * @param primaryAddress the primaryAddress to set


public void setPrimaryAddress(boolean primaryAddress) {

    this.primaryAddress = primaryAddress;



 * @return the addressId


public int getAddressId() {

    return addressId;



 * @param addressId the addressId to set


public void setAddressId(int addressId) {

    this.addressId = addressId;



 * @return the endDate


public Date getEndDate() {

    return endDate;



 * @param endDate the endDate to set


public void setEndDate(Date endDate) {

    this.endDate = endDate;



 * @return the startDate


public Date getStartDate() {

    return startDate;



 * @param startDate the startDate to set


public void setStartDate(Date startDate) {

    this.startDate = startDate;



Hibernate mappings: Customer.hbm.xml

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC

        "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"



    <class name="com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.customer.Customer" table="customer">

        <id column="customer_id" name="customerId" type="int">

            <generator class="native"/>


        <property column="cust_f_name" name="customerFirstName" />

        <property column="cust_l_name" name="customerLastName" />

        <property column="cust_user_name" name="customerUserName" />

        <property column="cust_pass_word" name="customerPassWord" />

        <property column="startdate" name="startDate" type="java.util.Date"/>

        <property column="enddate" name="endDate" type="java.util.Date"/>

        <property column="created_dt" name="createdDate" type="java.util.Date"/>

        <many-to-one column="attribute_col_id" name="attributeCollection" class="com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.AttributeCollection"/>

        <bag name="addresses" table="cust_address" lazy="false">

            <key column="customer_id"/>

            <many-to-many column="address_id" class="com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.Address"/>


        <bag name="phones" table="cust_phone" lazy="false">

            <key column="customer_id"/>

            <many-to-many column="phone_id" class="com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.Phone"/>


        <bag name="webSites" table="cust_web_address" lazy="false">

            <key column="customer_id"/>

            <many-to-many column="web_address_id" class="com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.WebAddress"/>


        <bag name="emails" table="cust_email" lazy="false">

            <key column="customer_id"/>

            <many-to-many column="email_id" class="com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.EmailAddress"/>


        <bag name="attributes" table="cust_attributes" lazy="false">

            <key column="customer_id"/>

            <many-to-many column="attribute_id" class="com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.Attribute"/>


        <bag name="customerOrders" table="customer_orders" lazy="false">

            <key column="customer_id"/>

            <many-to-many column="order_id" class="com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.order.Order"/>





<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
        "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
  <class name="com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.Address" table="address">
        <id column="address_id" name="addressId" type="int">
            <generator class="native"/>
        <property column="startdate" name="startDate" type="java.util.Date"/>
        <property column="enddate" name="endDate" type="java.util.Date"/>
        <property column ="addr1" name="address1" />
        <property column ="addr2" name="address2" />
        <property column="city" name="city" />
        <property column="zip_code" name="zipCode" />
        <many-to-one column="state_id" name="state" class="com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.State" />      
        <many-to-one column="address_type_id" name="addressType" class="com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.AddressType" />
        <many-to-one column="country_id" name="country" class="com.middleburgsalesandservice.gryphon.pojo.common.Country" />
        <property column="primary_address" name="primaryAddress" type="java.lang.Boolean" />


  • You should refer your Address class somewhere in SWF. The best way to do it is to declare a field in main application:

    private var references:Object = {addressClass:Address, someOtheClass:SomeOtherClass};

    The problem is that ArrayCollection in ActionScript hasn't type reference (generics in Java). So class' bytecode isn't included in SWF.