I'm trying to flatMap and get a result of list of Strings from three Lists. I somehow was able to do by the following code. The code is working but somehow I feel I have over complicated it. Can someone please give me some advice which can improve it in a better way
.map(country -> titles.stream()
.map(title -> games.stream()
.map(game -> Arrays.asList(game, country + "_" + title + "_" + game))
For clarification of the logic, a traditional approach would look like:
Set<List<String>> results = new HashSet<>();
for (String country : countries) {
for (String title : titles) {
for (String game : games) {
results.add(Arrays.asList(game, country + "_" + title + "_" + game));
You can do this in two steps:
first create concatenation of countries and titles list:
List<String> countriesTitle = countries.stream()
.flatMap(country -> titles.stream()
.map(title -> country + "_" + title))
then by previous result create list of concatenation country+"_"+title+"_"+game
.flatMap(game -> countriesTitle.stream()
.map(countryTitle -> countryTitle + "_" + game)))
Updated answer:
.flatMap(game -> countries.stream()
.flatMap(country -> titles.stream()
.flatMap(title -> Stream.of(game, country + "_" + title + "_" + game))))