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Retrofit no data

Im trying to get the data from this api with retrofit in android studio.

The data i get is either null or 0 and I don't understand why.

This is my interface:

 public interface apiCall {

    Call<apiData> getData();

This is my model

private int death;

private int cases;

private int hospital;

private String  ageGroup;

public int getDeath() {
    return death;

public int getCases() {
    return cases;

public int getHospital() {
    return hospital;

public String getAgeGroup() {
    return ageGroup;

This is the code:

 //retrofit builder
    Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
    apiCall callApi = retrofit.create(apiCall.class);
    Call<apiData> call = callApi.getData();
    call.enqueue(new Callback<apiData>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<apiData> call, Response<apiData> response) {
                test.setText("code " + response.code());
            apiData trying = response.body();

                String content = "";
                content += "age group: " + trying.getAgeGroup() +"\n";
                content += "cases: " + trying.getCases() +"\n";
                content += "death: " + trying.getDeath() +"\n";
                content += "hospital: " + trying.getHospital() +"\n\n";

        public void onFailure(Call<apiData> call, Throwable t) {


  • You need to parse "FeatureCollection", then "Features", then the actual feature.

    So the structure of your classes is not right

    Fix the hierarchy of objects and you'll solve it

    //this is just pseudo code below but it should point you in the right direction:

    class FeatureCollection{
        ArrayList<Feature> features;
    class Feature{    
        int hospital;
        String  ageGroup; 