Currently i have a spring clound funtion which consumes a topic and publish in to another topic. But for particular condition i need to publish message to another topic. Basically need to publish message to multiple topic from spring cloud function.
Current code snippets
public Function<Message<InputMessage>, Message<OutputMessage>>
return new KafkaTransformer();
public class KafkaTransformer
implements Function<
Message<InputMessage>, Message<OutputMessage>> {
public Message<OutputMessage> apply(
Message<InputMessage> inputMessage) {
try {
Message<OutputMessage> outputMessage = process(inputMessage);
return outputMessage;
} catch (Exception e) {
// need to send message to another topic ( which is other than dlq).
Did you look into using StreamBridge
API for this? Sounds like that should work for what you are looking for. Here are the docs.