I'm developing a C# operation and I would like to show a modal progress dialog, but only when an operation will be long (for example, more than 3 seconds). I execute my operations in a background thread.
The problem is that I don't know in advance whether the operation will be long or short.
Some software as IntelliJ has a timer aproach. If the operation takes more than x time, then show a dialog then.
What do you think that is a good pattern to implement this?
when I show the dialog?I will go with the first choice here with some modifications:
First run the possible long running operation in different thread.
Then run a different thread to check the first one status by a wait handle with timeout to wait it for finish. if the time out triggers there show the progress bar.
Something like:
private ManualResetEvent _finishLoadingNotifier = new ManualResetEvent(false);
private const int ShowProgressTimeOut = 1000 * 3;//3 seconds
private void YourLongOperation()
_finishLoadingNotifier.Set();//after finish your work
private void StartProgressIfNeededThread()
int result = WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { _finishLoadingNotifier }, ShowProgressTimeOut);
if (result > 1)
//show the progress bar.