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Shopware 6 with Mailchimp

I installed the Mailchimp Plugin in Shopware 6 and created a SMTP connection in the mailer. On the server itselfe i created a redirect from http to https and in my sales channel i set up the domain with But the Plugin always responds with:

CHECK                               STATUS
Base URL                  
HTTPS enabled?                      false
HTTPS Connection valid              false
HTTPS Connection Message            HTTPS is disabled!
Shop API reachable under APP_URL    true
Shop API Status                     Shop is reachable
Shop API Token available            false

Your current shop configuration does not allow you to use the app.
Please have: SSL enabled, your main domain set correctly!
Please try again when your configuration is fixed.

I have tried reinstalling the plugin and changed URL redirect but nothing seems to work.


  • You need to change the APP_URL in the .env file :-)