I am trying to build an email marketing tools. where i can track my customers actions, whether they opened the email or not and email delivered or not. I will send some HTML template in the email.
So i want to know the concept of this how i can develop this type of protocol ? I am using backend as NodeJs, Nodemailer and for frontend i am using react js.
I am trying to develop a prototype like mailchimp.
So can anyone suggest me how i can achieve this ?
You can by editing your letter :
Create a small, transparent image (1x1 pixel) and host it on a server. This image will be loaded when the recipient opens the email.
Include an HTML image tag in your email with the source pointing to the hosted tracking pixel. This is the part that will be invisible to the recipient.
<img src="https://your-tracking-pixel-url.com/pixel.png" width="1" height="1" alt="tracking pixel">
On your server, log or process requests for the tracking pixel. Each time the image is loaded, it indicates that the email has been opened.