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Sharing object from LineCallbackHandler to ExecutionCOntext

I have a csv file with one line on the top considered as the header. My reader configuration is as following :

FlatFileItemReader<EncCreditEntrepIndDTO> reader = new FlatFileItemReaderBuilder<EncCreditEntrepIndDTO>()
    return reader;

This is my LineCallbackHandler :

public class HeaderHandler implements LineCallbackHandler {

public void handleLine(String line) {
    AtomicReference<StepHeader> headerLine = new AtomicReference<>();
    processLine(line, headerLine);


After processing the headerline, i want to save it in the execution context to use it later in some steps . I tried implementing StepListener and then StepExecutionListener and retrieve the actual context. It is always equals to null


  • I tried implementing StepListener and then StepExecutionListener and retrieve the actual context. It is always equals to null

    Implementing StepExecutionListener should work if you register your callback handler as a listener in the step:

    public FlatFileItemReader<EncCreditEntrepIndDTO> itemReader(HeaderHandler headerHandler) {
        return new FlatFileItemReaderBuilder<EncCreditEntrepIndDTO>()
                // ...
    public Step step(StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory, HeaderHandler headerHandler) {
        return stepBuilderFactory.get("step")
                .<EncCreditEntrepIndDTO, EncCreditEntrepIndDTO>chunk(5)