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Connecting Intellij IDEA DB Navigator Plugin to Oracle DB connection

I have my Oracle 12C installed in docker and it run in port 1521. This is the command i used to run my oracle image

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 1521:1521 -v ~/oracle_data/:/u01/app/oracle truevoly/oracle-12c

I am able to connect Oracle Database with Oracle Sql Developer with the following configuration. enter image description here

I am using Intellij community Edition.I am trying to connect with Oracle Database using DB Navigator Plugin , but when i provide the same Credentials as earlier, I am getting the error as "Cannot Connect to Database"enter image description here

Can someone suggest what needs to be fixed to make it connected.


  • Connection Timeout was set to 5 seconds , whereas incerasing the timeout has fixed the issue