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Setting the `customDomainVerificationId` property on an AppService in a Bicep deployment has no effect

I'm creating an App Service via Bicep, and trying to set the "Custom Domain Verification ID" property, so that I can setup the correct TXT records for verification (before the Bicep deployments run).

resource app_service 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2021-01-15' = {
  name: name
  location: location
  properties: {
    serverFarmId: plan_id
    siteConfig: {
      netFrameworkVersion: 'v4.6'
    customDomainVerificationId: custom_domain_verification_id

But, the value I set isn't respected and will be something else under "Custom Domains" on the App Service.

Is this property meant to be read only?


Seems like this might be a readonly property actually. It's the same across the entire Subscription, so makes sense that it can't be set on an individual AppService. Reported an issue here.


  • Yes, this property should be read only. It’s filled when app service is created.

    If you don’t mind, please report this inaccuracy on