I'm thinking it's impossible to have a pretty log when using Parallel.ForEach. Unless someone has a few tricks they can show me?
namespace Parallel_ForEach_Logging
class Program
private static uint _callCount = 0;
static void Main(string[] args)
IEnumerable<int> data = Enumerable.Range(0, 2);
ParallelOptions options = new();
options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount;
Parallel.ForEach(data, options, datum =>
PrintNum(datum, _callCount++);
public static void PrintNum(int num, uint callCount)
Console.Out.WriteLine($">>> IN {callCount}");
// Console.Out.WriteLine($" {num}");
Console.Out.WriteLine($"<<< OUT {callCount}");
PrintString($"\"{num.ToString()}\"", callCount);
public static void PrintString(string str, uint callCount)
Console.Out.WriteLine($">>> IN {callCount}");
// Console.Out.WriteLine($" {str}");
Console.Out.WriteLine($"<<< OUT {callCount}");
Here is what I think of when I say pretty log:
>>> IN: Method A
>>> IN : Method 1 called.
<<< OUT: Method 1 done.
>>> IN : Method 2 called.
<<< OUT: Method 2 done.
<<< OUT: Method A done in 32 milliseconds.
>>> IN: Method B
Here is a sample log that I'm currently getting:
>>> IN 1
>>> IN 0
<<< OUT 0
<<< OUT 1
>>> IN 0
<<< OUT 0
>>> IN 1
<<< OUT 1
Notice at the top there are two IN's back-to-back and then two OUT's back-to-back.
In the code _callCount is my attempt at figuring a call depth to use for indentation but I don't see how to make this work. Even if I did, I'm not sure I could do it without a million spaces in each log entry.
I know if I took the Parallel.ForEach out of the equation I could make this work for sure.
I'm okay if this truly is impossible to accomplish. I just need someone who is way smarter than me to say so. ;)
Use a StringBuilder as a buffer. Add it as a parameter to your printing functions, like this:
public static void PrintNum(StringBuilder builder, int num, uint callCount)
builder.Append($">>> IN {callCount}\r\n");
builder.Append($"<<< OUT {callCount}\r\n");
PrintString(builder, $"\"{num.ToString()}\"", callCount);
public static void PrintString(StringBuilder builder, string str, uint callCount)
builder.Append($">>> IN {callCount}\r\n");
builder.Append($"<<< OUT {callCount}\r\n");
Now you can do this:
Parallel.ForEach(data, options, datum =>
var builder = new StringBuilder();
PrintNum(builder, datum, _callCount++);