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Finding the height of a multiway (general tree) using OCaml

As a newbie in functional programming (OCaml), I stuck with that problem.

I came up with a code shown below:

let rec height tr =
match tr with
  | Node(d,[]) -> 1 
  | Node(d,[t1]) -> 1 + height t1
  | Node(d,[t1;t2]) -> 1 + max (height t1) (height t2)

But the top-level (utop) for OCaml gives a warning:

Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a case that is not matched:
Node (_, _::_::_::_)

And when I run

let t : int gt =

height t;;

utop throws exception about match failure.

I also implemented this:

let rec height' tr =
match tr with
  | Node(d,[]) -> 1 
  | Node(d,_::xs) -> 1 + max ( height' xs) 

and it returns with

Line31 |   | Node(d,_::xs) -> 1 + max ( height' xs) 
Error: This expression has type int list -> int list
       but an expression was expected of type int

In addition, I also tried another way:

let rec height tr =
match tr with
  | Node(d,[]) -> 1 
  | Node(d,[t1]) -> 1 + height t1
  | Node(d, t1::t2) -> 
  if t2=[]
  then 2
  2 + height t2

then the error was:

Line26 |   2 + height t2 
Error: This expression has type 'a gt list
       but an expression was expected of type 'a gt

So, how can I overcome this problem?


  • Your problem

    Your height function expects a value of type 'a gt. When you call height t2, t2 is the tail of a list, which is a a gt list. If you pass this to height you get a type mismatch.

    How to approach this problem

    Given a tree definition:

    type 'a gt = Node of 'a * 'a gt list

    Writing a height function is straightforward, and I think you may be overthinking it given the number of cases in your pattern matching.

    With any recursion the key is a base case. You have that:

    let rec height tr =
      | Node (_, []) -> 1

    A node with an empty list has a height of 1. The actual data in the tree is unimportant, so we use _ in the pattern match.

    The only other possibility is that the list is not empty. So we can pattern match a non-empty list. Again, the first node doesn't matter.

    let rec height tr =
      | Node (_, []) -> 1
      | Node (_, _::xs) -> 2 + ...

    Now we have to turn a 'a gt list into an int. height will turn a 'a gt value into an int for me. So why don't I just map xs?

    let rec height tr =
      | Node (_, []) -> 1
      | Node (_, _::xs) -> 2 + height xs

    Ah, but that turns xs into an int list, which we can't add to an int. We can sum that list using fold_left.

    let rec height tr =
      | Node (_, []) -> 1
      | Node (_, _::xs) -> 
        let sum = List.fold_left (+) 0 in
        2 + sum ( height xs)

    One more thing

    Using the function keyword, we can simplify this.

    let rec height =
      | Node (_, []) -> 1
      | Node (_, _::xs) -> 
        let sum = List.fold_left (+) 0 in
        2 + sum ( height xs)