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OCaml online: List.sort compare is not working

I am testing the following OCaml's online environment:

However, my algorithms are failing because of the use of List.sort compare x, where x is a list of integers. I have tested the following basic code List.sort compare [2; 3; 1];; and seen it throws an error:

Error: This expression has type ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> int
but an expression was expected of type
  ('a -> 'a -> int) -> ('a -> 'a -> int) -> int
Type 'a list is not compatible with type 'a -> 'a -> int 

The online environment specifies it is OCaml 4.13.1, so does this mean compare is deprecated? In that case, how can I substitute it?


I have seen the following:

If you just write List.sort compare [2; 3; 1];; in the online environment, then it returns the correct output - : int list = [1; 2; 3].

However, if you load the List module with open List, then the error above is thrown.


  • As noted in the comments, by opening the List module, you've now shadowed (or with, and the following no longer works.

    sort compare [2; 3; 1]

    There are a few solutions to this.

    Don't open List

    Without opening List, you can successfully refer to the polymorphic compare from Stdlib or Pervasives.

    List.sort compare [2; 3; 1]

    We can give List a shorter name if it's preferable.

    module L = List

    Then write:

    L.sort compare [2; 3; 1]

    Open List and explicitly refer to

    When we open List, its compare shadows the polymorphic compare, but that function is still there.

    sort [2; 3; 1]

    That's pretty unwieldly. You're probably just better off with List.sort compare [2; 3; 1].

    Of course, in this case you don't really need the polymorphic compare. You just need to compare integers.

    sort [2; 3; 1]

    That's not so bad.

    Rename compare

    You could bind to a different name. Either before or after opening List.

    let cmp = compare
    open List
    let l = sort cmp [2; 3; 1]
    open List
    let cmp =
    let l = sort cmp [2; 3; 1]