my question for today is that i'm curious about if there is a close relative and/or equivalence in java
using the ksoap2
-library to parse element-by-elements.
In objective-c
for example:
public void didEndElement(args....){
if occurring element is thisElement
//do something with the value in the element
public void didStartElement(args....){
if occurring element is thisElement
//do something with the value in the element
While in java
SoapObject foo = (SoapObject)bar.getProperty(enum);
aString = foo.getProperty(enum);
aNotherString = foo.getProperty(anotherEnum);
So, basically, what we want to do is,
improvised java
if(currentElement == "myElement")
aVar = valueInElement;
// or
a[1] = valueInElement;
I know that this might a be a lot to ask for, but any pointers or hints to where i can attain any information about this, if it is possible at all.
I think the SAX Parser can help you with that. As in this link:
There, a class named MyXmlHandler is created. This one extends the DefaultHandler class and allows you to override the startElement and endElement methods.
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName,
Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {}
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)
throws SAXException {}
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
throws SAXException {}
There are a lot of tutorials spread out across the internet wich show you how to use this method. The formatting in the link is quite bad, there's gotta be a better one to find.