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Insert geography/Geometry data type into postgres sql

Have data in CSV file Parsing the CSV file to insert the data into Postgres DB. One of the column data type is 'geography'

Data is in this form "0101000020BB100000FCA776FD9E256240F2EBF2AD0F0D43C0"

g = "0101000020BB100000FCA776FD9E256240F2EBF2AD0F0D43C0"

Inserting this data with ST_GeomFromText(@g).. But throws this error

Npgsql.PostgresException : XX000: parse error - invalid geometry Data: Severity: ERROR InvariantSeverity: ERROR SqlState: XX000
MessageText: parse error - invalid geometry Hint: "01" <-- parse error at position 2 within geometry File: lwgeom_pg.c Line: 58
Routine: pg_parser_errhint


insert into testtable values (@s1,@s2,@s3,@s4,@s5,@s6,@s7,@s8,@s9,@s10,@s11,@s12,@s13,@s14,@s15,@s16,@s17,@s18,@s19,@s20,@s21,@s22,@s23,@s24,@s25,@s26,@s27,ST_GeomFromWKB(@s28))


  • Thanks All, Solved the issue, by casting to geometry then while inserting used the wrapper function "ST_GeomFromWKB"