I'm trying to draw a noisy line (using perlin noise) between two specific points.
for example A(100, 200)
and B(400,600)
The line could be a points series.
Drawing random noisy line is so clear but I dont know how can I calculate distance specific points.
working of P5.js.
I don't have any code written yet to upload.
Please can anyone help me?
I tried to add sufficient comments that you would be able to learn how such a thing is done. There are a number of things that you should make yourself aware of if you aren't already, and it's hard to say which if these you're missing:
) which make it possible to find angles and determine 2d offsets in X and Y components at a given anglep5.Vector()
and its dist()
function.// The level of detail in the line in number of pixels between each point.
const pixelsPerSegment = 10;
const noiseScale = 120;
const noiseFrequency = 0.01;
const noiseSpeed = 0.1;
let start;
let end;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
start = createVector(10, 10);
end = createVector(380, 380);
function draw() {
let lineLength = start.dist(end);
// Determine the number of segments, and make sure there is at least one.
let segments = max(1, round(lineLength / pixelsPerSegment));
// Determine the number of points, which is the number of segments + 1
let points = 1 + segments;
// We need to know the angle of the line so that we can determine the x
// and y position for each point along the line, and when we offset based
// on noise we do so perpendicular to the line.
let angle = atan2(end.y - start.y, end.x - start.x);
let xInterval = pixelsPerSegment * cos(angle);
let yInterval = pixelsPerSegment * sin(angle);
// Always start with the start point
vertex(start.x, start.y);
// for each point that is neither the start nor end point
for (let i = 1; i < points - 1; i++) {
// determine the x and y positions along the straight line
let x = start.x + xInterval * i;
let y = start.y + yInterval * i;
// calculate the offset distance using noice
let offset =
// The bigger this number is the greater the range of offsets will be
noiseScale *
// The bigger the value of noiseFrequency, the more erretically
// the offset will change from point to point.
i * pixelsPerSegment * noiseFrequency,
// The bigger the value of noiseSpeed, the more quickly the curve
// fluxuations will change over time.
(millis() / 1000) * noiseSpeed
) - 0.5);
// Translate offset into x and y components based on angle - 90°
// (or in this case, PI / 2 radians, which is equivalent)
let xOffset = offset * cos(angle - PI / 2);
let yOffset = offset * sin(angle - PI / 2);
vertex(x + xOffset, y + yOffset);
vertex(end.x, end.y);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.4.0/p5.js"></script>
This code makes jaggy lines, but they could be smoothed using curveVertex()
. Also, making the line pass through the start and end points exactly is a little tricky because the very next point may be offset by a large amount. You could fix this by making noiseScale
very depending on how far from an endpoint the current point is. This could be done by multiplying noiseScale
by sin(i / points.length * PI)
for example.