I installed Erlang on my PC.
Then added the path C:\Program Files (x86)\erl5.8.4\bin
to my Environment Variables -> PATH
so I can run erl.exe
from CMD
And now when the the code is typed in Scite
neither of the buttons compile / build / go in TOOLS menu
are active.
How am I supposed to run my program?
Should I change something in erlang.properties
Yes to the last question... If you look at some other .properties file, you will find some examples of these commands. For example, for Scala, I made the following commands:
scala.compilation.options=-d bin -deprecation -Xmigration -Xcheckinit
scala.run.options=-cp bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
command.compile.*.scala=fsc.bat $(scala.compilation.options) $(FileNameExt)
command.build.*.scala=fsc.bat $(scala.compilation.options) *.scala
command.go.*.scala=scala.bat $(scala.run.options) $(FileName)
It shows you can define your own variables and use them in the command lines. Just replace scala
with erlang
, fsc.bat or scala.bat with erl.exe or other bin (if compilation differs from running), and adapt the rest of the lines.