I have the following code that connects a JSON file with an Azure Service Bus Trigger but when the trigger is activated I encounter the error TypeError: Provided value for 'message' must be of type: ServiceBusMessage
. I have found the following link that provides some sort of help but it wasn't that useful How to specify content type as application/json while sending message to azure service bus queue in node js?
module.exports = async function (context, myBlob) {
context.log("JavaScript blob trigger function processed blob \n Blob:", context.bindingData.blobTrigger, "\n Blob Size:", myBlob.length, "Bytes");
if(context.bindingData.name.indexOf("json_results") == -1){
const data = JSON.parse(myBlob.toString());
// service bus queue
const { ServiceBusClient } = require("@azure/service-bus");
// connection string to your Service Bus namespace
const connectionString = "Endpoint=sb://servicebus.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=xxxxx";
const sbClient = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString);
// name of the queue
const queueName = "service-bus-queue";
context.log("Creating queue: ", queueName);
const sender = sbClient.createSender(queueName)
// Tries to send all messages in a single batch.
// Will fail if the messages cannot fit in a batch.
// await sender.sendMessages(messages);
let batch = await sender.createMessageBatch();
for (let index=0; index < data.length; index++){
// for each message in the array
// try to add the message to the batch
if (!batch.tryAddMessage(data[index])) {
// if it fails to add the message to the current batch
// send the current batch as it is full
await sender.sendMessages(batch);
// then, create a new batch
batch = await sender.createMessageBatch();
// now, add the message failed to be added to the previous batch to this batch
if (!batch.tryAddMessage(data[index])) {
// if it still can't be added to the batch, the message is probably too big to fit in a batch
throw new Error("Message too big to fit in a batch");
// Send the last created batch of messages to the queue
await sender.sendMessages(batch);
context.log(`Sent a batch of messages to the queue: ${queueName}`);
// Close the sender
await sender.close();
} finally {
await sbClient.close();
How do I convert this JSON file properly so it can be sent correctly to the Service Bus?
This is some sample data from the JSON file:
"Id": "MCMID|10091810600907894473354109933466533357",
"FC_rev": 0.0,
"FC_seg": 0.0,
"MC_rev": 0.0,
"MC_seg": 0.0,
"PC_rev": 0.0,
"PC_seg": 0.0,
"PNR_booking": 0,
"SP_ID_f": "1009181060090789447335410993346653335721632922568DCABOI",
"Saver_rev": 439.08,
"Saver_seg": 8.0,
"Total_seg": 8.0,
"num_PAX": 2,
"EndUserID": "oeu1632860659758r0.8453951976577427",
"purchase_time_": "00000000000000"
"Id": "MCMID|1015698875809402563583619705251328622",
"FC_rev": 0.0,
"FC_seg": 0.0,
"MC_rev": 160.0,
"MC_seg": 2.0,
"PC_rev": 0.0,
"PC_seg": 0.0,
"PNR_booking": 0,
"SP_ID_f": "101569887580940256358361970525132862211632922598LAXZLO",
"Saver_rev": 0.0,
"Saver_seg": 0.0,
"Total_seg": 2.0,
"num_PAX": 1,
"EndUserID": "oeu1632922592097r0.5015812337790303",
"purchase_time_": "00000000000000"
"Id": "MCMID|1015698875809402563583619705251328622",
"FC_rev": 150.08369127516778,
"FC_seg": 1.0,
"MC_rev": 99.77630872483222,
"MC_seg": 1.0,
"PC_rev": 0.0,
"PC_seg": 0.0,
"PNR_booking": 0,
"SP_ID_f": "101569887580940256358361970525132862211632922598PDXLAX",
"Saver_rev": 0.0,
"Saver_seg": 0.0,
"Total_seg": 2.0,
"num_PAX": 1,
"EndUserID": "oeu1632922592097r0.5015812337790303",
"purchase_time_": "00000000000000"
Assuming each element in data
array is a JSON object, what you would need to do is convert that object into a string and then create a new JSON object for your message.
Try to change the following line of code:
if (!batch.tryAddMessage(data[index])) {
const messageBody = JSON.stringify(data[index]);
if (!batch.tryAddMessage({body: messageBody})) {
This is the code I tried:
const { ServiceBusClient } = require("@azure/service-bus");
const connectionString = "Endpoint=sb://account.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=key";
const queueName = "queue-name";
const data = [
"Id": "MCMID|10091810600907894473354109933466533357",
"FC_rev": 0.0,
"FC_seg": 0.0,
"MC_rev": 0.0,
"MC_seg": 0.0,
"PC_rev": 0.0,
"PC_seg": 0.0,
"PNR_booking": 0,
"SP_ID_f": "1009181060090789447335410993346653335721632922568DCABOI",
"Saver_rev": 439.08,
"Saver_seg": 8.0,
"Total_seg": 8.0,
"num_PAX": 2,
"EndUserID": "oeu1632860659758r0.8453951976577427",
"purchase_time_": "00000000000000"
"Id": "MCMID|1015698875809402563583619705251328622",
"FC_rev": 0.0,
"FC_seg": 0.0,
"MC_rev": 160.0,
"MC_seg": 2.0,
"PC_rev": 0.0,
"PC_seg": 0.0,
"PNR_booking": 0,
"SP_ID_f": "101569887580940256358361970525132862211632922598LAXZLO",
"Saver_rev": 0.0,
"Saver_seg": 0.0,
"Total_seg": 2.0,
"num_PAX": 1,
"EndUserID": "oeu1632922592097r0.5015812337790303",
"purchase_time_": "00000000000000"
"Id": "MCMID|1015698875809402563583619705251328622",
"FC_rev": 150.08369127516778,
"FC_seg": 1.0,
"MC_rev": 99.77630872483222,
"MC_seg": 1.0,
"PC_rev": 0.0,
"PC_seg": 0.0,
"PNR_booking": 0,
"SP_ID_f": "101569887580940256358361970525132862211632922598PDXLAX",
"Saver_rev": 0.0,
"Saver_seg": 0.0,
"Total_seg": 2.0,
"num_PAX": 1,
"EndUserID": "oeu1632922592097r0.5015812337790303",
"purchase_time_": "00000000000000"
const sbClient = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString);
const sender = sbClient.createSender(queueName);
async function sendMessages() {
let batch = await sender.createMessageBatch();
for (let index=0; index<data.length; index++) {
const message = {
body: JSON.stringify(data[index])
if (!batch.tryAddMessage(message)) {
// if it fails to add the message to the current batch
// send the current batch as it is full
await sender.sendMessages(batch);
console.log('message batch sent...');
// then, create a new batch
batch = await sender.createMessageBatch();
// now, add the message failed to be added to the previous batch to this batch
if (!batch.tryAddMessage(message)) {
// if it still can't be added to the batch, the message is probably too big to fit in a batch
throw new Error("Message too big to fit in a batch");
if (batch.count > 0) {
await sender.sendMessages(batch);
console.log('message batch sent...');
sendMessages().catch((err) => {
console.error("The sample encountered an error:", err);