I am using a combination or rmarkdown and gtsummary to create descriptive tables. The tables looks great when knitted to html.
But, they lose their formatting completely when knitted to word.
Since I need to create graphs from these tables, I am interested in knitting these tables to either word or excel. Based on my research it does not seem possible to knit these tables to excel.
So I tried wrapping the print statement with Kable and then knitting to word. But kable only seems to work with data frames, and the object created by gtsummary::tbl_cross is it's own class.
Error in as.data.frame.default(x) :
cannot coerce class 'c("tbl_cross", "tbl_summary", "gtsummary")' to a data.frame
Calls: <Anonymous> ... print -> kable -> as.data.frame -> as.data.frame.default
Execution halted
My question:
Thanks so much for suggestions, see here for my code.
My code:
title: "Untitled"
author: "me"
date: "9/29/2021"
html_document: default
word_document: default
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
# Remove items from memory and environment
rm(list = ls())
# load required libraries
# File locations
# read in data
data_in <- readr::read_table2('Q17_1 Q17_2 Q17_3 Q17_4 survey
No Yes No Yes m1
No Yes No No m2
Yes Yes Yes Yes m1
No No Yes No m2
No No Yes Yes m1
Yes No Yes No m2
No No Yes Yes m1
No No Yes No m2
Yes No Yes Yes m1
vct <- data_in %>% select(matches("Q")) %>% names(.)
```{r , include=FALSE}
# set up user function create tables
run_xtab <- function(v1) {
out <- data_in%>%
row = !!rlang::sym(v1),
col = survey,
percent = 'column',
label = list(survey~v1),
missing_text = "no"
) %>%
add_p(source_note = TRUE) %>%
```{r loop_print, results = 'asis', warning=FALSE, message=FALSE,error=FALSE,echo=FALSE}
# loop through the questions to create the xtables
for (i in vct) {
tbl <- run_xtab(i) # build gtsummary table
# print(kable(tbl)) # Kable does not like gtsummary object
# stargazer(tbl) # neither does star gazers
# tbl <-as.data.frame(tbl) # try converting table to df
print(tbl) # simple print works with html, but knitting to word loses formatting
I think your best resource will be the gtsummary vignette on R markdown. http://www.danieldsjoberg.com/gtsummary/articles/rmarkdown.html In the vignette, you'll find this table outlining how to export gtsummary tables to various R markdown output types.
In your case, I would recommend you convert the gtsummary tables to a flextable using the as_flex_table()
For example, you could update your function to include this conversion. (More information/options outlined in the vignette.)
```{r , include=FALSE}
# set up user function create tables
run_xtab <- function(v1) {
out <- data_in%>%
row = !!rlang::sym(v1),
col = survey,
percent = 'column',
label = list(survey~v1),
missing_text = "no"
) %>%
add_p(source_note = TRUE) %>%
bold_labels() %>%