I have this v-select :
When I get the attribute of my function "changed", I got an array with all selected values when I add or remove an item from my v-select.
changed(value) {
console.log(value); // Return an array with all items in (group.structures).
I don't want to get all the array but only the selected/removed value. Is there any way to get the selected value?
One of the ways to achieve what you want is store the previous value in variable then compare the new value with it
data() {
return {
previousSelectedStructures: [];
// ...
changed(value) {
let added = value.filter(
(val) => !this.previousSelectedStructures.includes(val)
let removed = this.previousSelectedStructures.filter(
(val) => !value.includes(val)
// Do some stuff
this.previousSelectedStructures = value;