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Typeahead Bloodhound don't close the autocomplete on click

I have a problem that I can't solve, when I click on one of the a tags (js-follow class), a function is triggered to follow / unfollow a user, however the div that contains the auto complete suggestions closes at the slightest click, and I can't keep it open. Do you have a solution to prevent it from closing on click, while executing my function ? Thank you so much !

Here is my code :

$(document).ready(function () {
  var datas = new Bloodhound({
    datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
    queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
    remote: {
      url: "",
      wildcard: "",
      filter: function (datas) {

    { hint: false },
      name: "datas",
      source: datas.ttAdapter(),
      display: "item",
      templates: {
        suggestion: function (item) {
          return (


  • I found the solution. For anyone who is facing this problem, here is the way to do it :

    $(document).on("typeahead:beforeselect", function (event, data) { event.preventDefault(); });