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Liquibase error: "relation does not exist" when creating main table and table with foreign key in one change set

I'm trying to create two tables with relation one to many using liquibase and postgresql in java springboot application. There is only one entry in changelog.

When starting application I receive this error:

liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: ERROR: relation "public.main" does not exist [Failed SQL: (0) CREATE TABLE public.relation (id BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY NOT NULL, main_id BIGINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "PK_relation_id" PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT "FK_relation_main" FOREIGN KEY (main_id) REFERENCES public.main(id), UNIQUE (id))]

Tables definition:

  "databaseChangeLog": [
      "changeSet": {
        "id": "initial-structure-create",
        "author": "tcyborowski",
        "changes": [
            "createTable": {
              "tableName": "main",
              "columns": [
                  "column": {
                    "name": "id",
                    "type": "bigint",
                    "autoIncrement": true,
                    "constraints": {
                      "primaryKey": true,
                      "primaryKeyName": "PK_main_id",
                      "nullable": false,
                      "unique": true
                  "column": {
                    "name": "name",
                    "type": "varchar(255)",
                    "constraints": {
                      "nullable": false,
                      "unique": false
            "createTable": {
              "tableName": "relation",
              "columns": [
                  "column": {
                    "name": "id",
                    "type": "bigint",
                    "autoIncrement": true,
                    "constraints": {
                      "primaryKey": true,
                      "primaryKeyName": "PK_relation_id",
                      "nullable": false,
                      "unique": true
                  "column": {
                    "name": "main_id",
                    "type": "bigint",
                    "constraints": {
                      "nullable": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "referencedTableSchemaName": "public",
                      "referencedTableName": "main",
                      "referencedColumnNames": "id",
                      "foreignKeyName": "FK_relation_main"

liquidbase version 4.3.3 - the same problem is with h2 in-memory database

If I split this json tables declaration into two json change files, run first table creation and after that second table creation tables are created without problem with correct relation.

If I try to run this this on clean database I get the same error as above:

  "databaseChangeLog": [
      "include": {
        "file": "db/changelog/partials/initial-structure.json"
      "include": {
        "file": "db/changelog/partials/initial-structure2.json"

What could be causing problem with running this in one go?


  • Ok, I found my mistake after changing logging to debug.

    In both my json files above there is an error which caused only last action to be executed.

    Corrected json files below:

      "databaseChangeLog": [
          "include": {
            "file": "db/changelog/partials/initial-structure.json"
          "include": {
            "file": "db/changelog/partials/initial-structure2.json"
      "databaseChangeLog": [
          "changeSet": {
            "id": "initial-structure-create",
            "author": "tcyborowski",
            "changes": [
                "createTable": {
                  "tableName": "main",
                  "columns": [
                      "column": {
                        "name": "id",
                        "type": "bigint",
                        "autoIncrement": true,
                        "constraints": {
                          "primaryKey": true,
                          "primaryKeyName": "PK_main_id",
                          "nullable": false,
                          "unique": true
                      "column": {
                        "name": "name",
                        "type": "varchar(255)",
                        "constraints": {
                          "nullable": false,
                          "unique": false
                "createTable": {
                  "tableName": "relation",
                  "columns": [
                      "column": {
                        "name": "id",
                        "type": "bigint",
                        "autoIncrement": true,
                        "constraints": {
                          "primaryKey": true,
                          "primaryKeyName": "PK_relation_id",
                          "nullable": false,
                          "unique": true
                      "column": {
                        "name": "main_id",
                        "type": "bigint",
                        "constraints": {
                          "nullable": false,
                          "unique": false,
                          "referencedTableSchemaName": "public",
                          "referencedTableName": "main",
                          "referencedColumnNames": "id",
                          "foreignKeyName": "FK_relation_main"