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Liquibase: Executing same changeSet multiple times with different properties throws ValidationFailedException changesets had duplicate identifiers

I have to execute a Liquibase changeSet multiple times. Each time with different properties.

Imagine this example:

<!-- changeset_foo.xml -->
<databaseChangeLog ...>
    <changeSet author="me" id="INSERT_FOO">
        <insert tableName="FOO">
            <column name="ID" valueSequenceNext="ID_SEQ"/>
            <column name="NAME" value="${FOO_NAME}"/>

Now, this will be used in two different changeSets with different property:

<!-- changeset_apple.xml -->
<databaseChangeLog ...>
    <property name="FOO_NAME" value="Apple"/>
    <include file="changeset_foo.xml"/>
<!-- changeset_banana.xml -->
<databaseChangeLog ...>
    <property name="FOO_NAME" value="Banana"/>
    <include file="changeset_foo.xml"/>

And of course both are mentioned in master changelog:

<!-- changelog_master.xml -->
<databaseChangeLog ...>
    <include file="changeset_apple.xml"/>
    <include file="changeset_banana.xml"/>

The result is some kind of expected. As I defined only one changeset and it is assumed that the changeSet Id is unique there is a validation exception:

Caused by: liquibase.exception.CommandExecutionException: ...
     Caused by: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
          1 changesets had duplicate identifiers

But how can I solve this behavior?

What I tried so far:

  1. Setting runOnChange, runAlways and validCheckSum does not work (though mentioned here: execute parameterized liquibase changeset multiple times with different parameters) and produces the same error
<!-- changeset_foo.xml -->
<databaseChangeLog ...>
   <changeSet author="me" id="INSERT_FOO" runOnChange="true" runAlways="true">
       <insert tableName="FOO">
           <column name="ID" valueSequenceNext="ID_SEQ"/>
           <column name="NAME" value="${FOO_NAME}"/>
  1. Extending the id with the property did not work
<!-- changeset_foo.xml -->
    <changeSet author="me" id="INSERT_FOO_${FOO_NAME}">

Here the error is 1 changesets had duplicate identifiers changeset_foo.xml::INSERT_FOO_Apple::me or if I swap the order of the changsets in the master changelog file, the exceptions is 1 changesets had duplicate identifiers changeset_foo.xml::INSERT_FOO_Banana::me

  1. I am using Liquibase 4.24.0. I read in Liquibase documentation ( that with version 4.25.1 and later you can set allow-duplicated-changeset-identifiers. But even that would only execute the changeset once

your duplicated changesets are not deployed to your database, but Liquibase will not treat the duplicates like errors

I asked the same question here:


  • In my case and because I know what I do, that is not a bad idea. Code duplication is even not good practice ;-)

    May be I have to explain my usecase. I have to insert a lot of entries (>1000) in the database and basically I have to insert these entries twice. The only difference is that the entries are associated once to 'Apple' and once to 'Banana' (lets call this root entities)

    In my example I could be able to create unique IDs wit the following example. But unfortunately that is not supported by Liquibase. Maybe a nice enhancement for Liquibase!

    See 2. Extending the id with the property did not work

    <!-- changeset_foo.xml -->
        <changeSet author="me" id="INSERT_FOO_${FOO_NAME}">

    Anyway it seems that I have to copy all my changeSets.