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Spring Integration and IBM MQ

help i try to connected with Spring Integration Ibm mq, what i doing:

public Publisher<Message<String>> jmsReactiveSource() {
        return IntegrationFlows

    public Mono<String> getEvent() {
        return Mono.from(jmsReactiveSource())
                .map (Message::getPayload);

    public void produce() {
        jmsTemplateIbm.convertAndSend("DEV.QUEUE.1", "MESSAGE");

When I call /event after calling / pub nothing happens, the message is not deducted, what am I doing wrong, i need to make ibm mq non-blocking, since a large amount of resources is spent waiting for responses from ibm mq.


  • See Spring Integration documentation about Java DSL: We everywhere in our samples talk about making an IntegrationFlow as a @Bean. That's only the way an IntegrationFlowBeanPostProcessor can understand that DSL definition and register respective beans in the application context. The whole class with those @GetMapping methods and this @Bean for the jmsReactiveSource() have to be as a @Configuration one to make that jmsReactiveSource() method call as bean request from the application context. Otherwise you should consider to move this flow bean into the separate @Configuration class if you don't want to make this @RestController as such one. Then you would need to autowire that Publisher<Message<String>> bean into this controller class.


    For your second concern about an early consumption, you have to mark that Jms.messageDrivenChannelAdapter() as autoStartup(false) and start it from your Mono in the getEvent() using its doOnRequest(). There is an id() option on the adapter for your consideration to autowire that endpoint properly. You are right: even if it is a reactive in the end, the beginning is not and must be treated respectively to not consume until requested.

    You also may consider to return Flux instead of Mono: the whole process is considered unbounded. Such a REST request should be also changed to the SSE: