I am attempting to use this library for dependency injection within my Kotlin Multiplatform project - https://github.com/corbella83/PopKorn
The library is based on kapt
and the Android part works perfectly! However, I'm struggling to understand why iOS doesn't seem to be working (I have filed an issue on their end but wanted to ask here in case I'm issing something obvious).
I have a vanilla KMM project out-of-the-box from the KMM Android Studio plugin with the following dependency-related setup:
// In shared/build.gradle.kts
kotlin {
sourceSets {
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
dependencies {
"kapt" ("cc.popkorn:popkorn-compiler:2.1.1") <- SHOULD THIS BE HERE?
// In androidApp/build.gradle.kts
dependencies {
// In commonMain source set
class Greeting {
fun greeting(): String {
return "Hello, ${Platform().platform}!"
// In MainActivity.kt
val greeting by popkorn<Greeting>() <- WORKS!
// In iosMain/Bridge.kt
fun init(creator: (ObjCClass) -> Mapping) = cc.popkorn.setup(creator)
fun getInjector() = InjectorObjC(popKorn())
// In iosApp
struct iOSApp: App {
init() {
BridgeKt.doInit { (clazz) -> PopkornMapping in
return clazz.alloc() as! PopkornMapping
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
// In ContentView.swift
let greet = (BridgeKt.getInjector().inject(clazz: Greeting.self) as! Greeting).greeting()
The error I have is Could not find Provider for this class: com.example.myapplication.Greeting. Did you forget to add @Injectable?
which is clearly not true as I do have the annotation.
My concern is that when android compiles I can see some logs related to annotation generation with PopKorn, however I do not see this when I build the iOS app using the following Run Script (the default when a new project is created):
./gradlew :shared:embedAndSignAppleFrameworkForXcode
Is there any additional setup required for kapt
to work on iOS?
I ended up using a different library for dependency injection for Kotlin Multiplatform (Kodein) but for what it's worth I thought it'd be helpful for anyone having similar issues to know how I resolved it. The key was to expose the generated code to Swift using this:
val iosMain by getting {
After this the injection from Swift worked as it was meant to. However, I ended up having more issues trying to inject things from multiple modules and felt Kodein has better support for what I'm trying to do at the moment.