Search code examples

Inherit odoo javascript search box

Inherit odoo javascript search box Hey guys, i need to inherit this: addons/web/static/src/js/views/control_panel/search/search_filters.js code snippet:

'''var Char = Field.extend({
tagName: 'input',
className: 'o_input',
attributes: {
    type: 'text'
operators: [
    {value: "ilike", text: _lt("contains")},
    {value: "not ilike", text: _lt("doesn't contain")},
    {value: "=", text: _lt("is equal to")},
    {value: "!=", text: _lt("is not equal to")},
    {value: "∃", text: _lt("is set")},
    {value: "∄", text: _lt("is not set")}
get_value: function () {
    return this.$el.val();

I want to add one more line there, {value: '=ilike', text: _lt("matches")},

I tried inheriting that whole file, and after adding the line nothing happens. Any hint is appreciated. That line comes from the module but its only for v12, i need it on v13 and higher. Thanks


  • You need to update the line where they get the Char filter reference because core.search_filters_registry is undefined in Odoo13:

    var Char = require('web.search_filters').Char;

    Example (adding a new operator to the char filter):

    var core = require('web.core');
    var Char = require('web.search_filters').Char;
    var _lt = core._lt;
      {value: '=ilike', text: _lt("Matches")}

    You will need to create a new file and add it to an asset bundle (web.assets_backend).