I have this where car
is 2 and total
is 12. So I wanted to get the percentage of this but this is in an Object.values(res)
I wanted the dataset in the graph to be in a percentage value. Let's say car
is 2 and the total
is 12. So it should be 16.66%
. However, in my dataset right now, it's only showing 2.
This is the codesandbox link : https://codesandbox.io/s/bar-graph-9nr8u?file=/src/App.js:0-3062
export default function App() {
const data = [
birthdate: "Thu Aug 31 2000",
createdDate: { seconds: 1630377545, nanoseconds: 313000000 },
items: {
type2: false,
type1: true,
selectedItem: "car"
displayName: "Person1"
birthdate: "Thu Aug 31 2000",
createdDate: { seconds: 1630377545, nanoseconds: 313000000 },
items: {
type2: true,
type1: true,
selectedItem: "bikes"
displayName: "Person2"
birthdate: "Thu Aug 31 2000",
createdDate: { seconds: 1630377545, nanoseconds: 313000000 },
items: {
type2: true,
type1: true,
selectedItem: "car"
displayName: "Person3"
birthdate: "Thu Aug 31 2000",
createdDate: { seconds: 1630377545, nanoseconds: 313000000 },
items: {
type2: true,
type1: true,
selectedItem: "motor"
displayName: "Person4"
birthdate: "Thu Aug 31 2000",
createdDate: { seconds: 1630377545, nanoseconds: 313000000 },
items: {
type2: true,
type1: true,
selectedItem: "motor"
displayName: "Person5"
birthdate: "Thu Aug 31 2000",
createdDate: { seconds: 1630377545, nanoseconds: 313000000 },
items: {
type2: true,
type1: true,
selectedItem: "truck"
displayName: "Person6"
birthdate: "Thu Aug 31 2000",
createdDate: { seconds: 1630377545, nanoseconds: 313000000 },
items: {
type2: true,
type1: true,
selectedItem: "bikes"
displayName: "Person7"
birthdate: "Thu Aug 31 2000",
createdDate: { seconds: 1630377545, nanoseconds: 313000000 },
items: {
type2: true,
type1: true,
selectedItem: "truck"
displayName: "Person8"
const total = 12;
let res = [...data].reduce(
(a, c) => (
(a[c.items.selectedItem] = (a[c.items.selectedItem] || 0) + 1), a
const rounded = Object.entries(res).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
return { ...acc, [key]: value.toFixed(2) };
}, {});
return (
<div className="App">
labels: Object.keys(rounded),
datasets: [
data: Object.values(rounded),
backgroundColor: ["red", "yellow", "green", "blue", "pink"],
borderColor: ["rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)"],
borderWidth: 1
maintainAspectRatio: false,
title: {
display: true,
text: "Selected",
fontSize: 20
legend: {
labels: {
fontSize: 25
You can see your modified codesandbox here: https://codesandbox.io/s/bar-graph-forked-vp4uk In that case, you have to use the percentage instead of the value.
So, you have to change:
const rounded = Object.entries(res).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
return { ...acc, [key]: value.toFixed(2) };
}, {});
to this:
const rounded = Object.entries(res).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
return { ...acc, [key]: ((value / total) * 100).toFixed(2) };
}, {});