I am trying to change the color of my fixed SVG logo based on the current section you scroll. For instance, if you scroll inside a section with a class "intro" or "projects" I want to change the logo color with a CSS class.
So, on entering the section and at END of the section scrolling from top and bottom to remove and add the previous class.
Basically, I have an array of all sections looping through them with an EventListener scroll which should toggle the logo class on a scroll and IF inside a section or not.
Can someone help me out?
My code:
(() => {
const logo = document.querySelector('.logo');
const sections = document.querySelectorAll('section');
if(!sections.length) {
const onPageScroll = () => {
sections.forEach(section => {
window.addEventListener('scroll', onPageScroll);
I believe one of these pens should help you. What you're trying to do is a scroll spy.
From the second pen:
const spyScrolling = ( ) => {
const sections = document.querySelectorAll( '.hero-bg' );
window.onscroll = ( ) => {
const scrollPos = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
for ( let s in sections )
if ( sections.hasOwnProperty( s ) && sections[ s ].offsetTop <= scrollPos ) {
const id = sections[ s ].id;
document.querySelector( '.active' ).classList.remove( 'active' );
document.querySelector( `a[href*=${ id }]` ).parentNode.classList.add( 'active' );
There are plenty of other examples available out there, you just have to know the right keywords.