I wanted to test if the content of the uploaded file and the downloaded file are the same. So, following is what I tried through cypress:
it.only(cfg.testname, () => {
// 1. Login to website, navigate to desired webapge
// 2. Upload the file
// 3. Download the file
// cy.wait(5000)
// 4. Read the uploaded file:
const fileContent = cy.fixture(_filePath)
console.log('fixture file path', '======>', _filePath)
console.log('fixture file content', '=====>', fileContent)
// 5. Read the downloaded file:
const downloadsFolder = Cypress.config("downloadsFolder")
const downloadedFileContent = cy.readFile(path.join(downloadsFolder, _fileName))
console.log('downloaded file path', '======>', path.join(downloadsFolder, fileName))
console.log('downloaded file content','====>', downloadedFileContent)
// 6. Check if they are equal:
However, when I run this test, it does not even complete login step and immediately give asserition error one step 6, that is on expect()...
AssertionError: expected { Object (userInvocationStack, specWindow, ...) } to equal {
Object (userInvocationStack, specWindow, ...) }
at Context.eval (VM753 tests:224)
When I comment step 6 expect()...
, it correctly logins, uploads file and downloads file. So, I felt somehow I should make the process wait till download is complete before expect()...
. So I tried uncommenting cy.wait(5000)
, but no help. It still gives me above error (with of course expect()...
Q1. Why this behavior?
Q2. How should I fix this?
PS: I am getting bunch of errors in the console which I am unable to understand. This is the screenshot of console:
The fixture read is async, so you need to use .then()
, same with cy.readFile()
The use of path.join(downloadsFolder, _fileName)
probably will not work as it's a Node command, substitute a string template instead
If you have a complicated file in JSON format, also try .to.deep.eq
cy.fixture(_filePath).then(fileContent => {
const downloadsFolder = Cypress.config("downloadsFolder")
const downloadPath = `${downloadsFolder}/${_fileName}`
cy.readFile(downloadPath).then(downloadedFileContent => {
// or may need deep
// expect(downloadedFileContent).to.deep.eq(fileContent)