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Disable warning: You copied a large amount of data onto the clipboard

While debugging queries written in MS Access 2007 (problem was the same in all previous versions too), I'll run the query and then copy the results into Excel. Depending on results, I switch batch to Access to refine the results and go back into design mode of the query. At this point, I get an annoying warning: you copied a large amount of data onto the clipboard. ...Do you want to save this data on the clipboard? I have never wanted to do this.

The MS Office clipboard is disabled so this function is happening with the standard Windows clipboard. Is there a way to disable the warning and assume No as the default?


  • There is a very easy solution to this. The warning message only happens if there is a LARGE amount of stuff on the clipboard. Therefore - make sure there is only a small amount of stuff there before you close.

    For example, in a macro I wrote I do this:

    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
        :=False, Transpose:=False
    ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal

    The second-last line (immediately before the close) is a "dummy" - a command to simply replace the current (BIG) clipboard with a very small amount of data. It works.