I want to make a toString just like in the TreeSet. For example my toString will print something like this:
Student{name='student1', dateOfBirth=2003-04-01, details='none'}, Student{name='student2', dateOfBirth=1999-05-11, details='none'},
But i want something like that:
[Student{name='student1', dateOfBirth=2003-04-01, details='none'}, Student{name='student2', dateOfBirth=1999-05-11, details='none'}]
My code:
public String toString() {
StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer();
inorderPrint(root, string);
return string.toString();
private void inorderPrint(Node root, StringBuffer stringBuffer) {
if (root != null) {
inorderPrint(root.left, stringBuffer);
stringBuffer.append(root.value.toString() + ", ");
inorderPrint(root.right, stringBuffer);
For adding extra characters like [
you can use additional condition within inOrder traverse.
Sample code:
public String toString()
StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer();
inorderPrint(root, string);
return string.toString();
private void inorderPrint(Node root, StringBuffer stringBuffer)
if (root != null)
inorderPrint(root.left, stringBuffer);
stringBuffer.append(", ");
stringBuffer.append(", ");
inorderPrint(root.right, stringBuffer);