I am trying to get the @Valid
annotation working in a project that is using RESTEasy and Vert.x.
I have an API controller setup with a method signature like public Future<SomeResponseDto> someController(@Valid SomeRequestDto dto)
where SomeRequestDto
looks like the following:
public class SomeRequestDto {
String someField;
public SomeRequestDto(@JsonProperty("some_field") String someField) {
this.someField = someField;
My expectation is that when I call someController
with some JSON that doesn't meet the validation criteria (namely that someField
is ""
) an error is returned and the body of someController
is not executed. This is not the case and the body of someController
is being executed.
Interestingly, if I do manual validation in the body of someController
I do get a Set
containing the validation error I'd expect. Manual validation uses the following code:
ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
Validator validator = factory.getValidator();
final var result = validator.validate(dto); // This holds the expected constraint validation error
In terms of dependencies, my project depends on the following directly (listed in the build.gradle
| org.hibernate:hibernate-validation:5.0.1.Final // Pulled in via the above
And depends on the following transitively (via dependencies of dependencies):
| org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-client:4.5.3.Final // Pulled in as a dependency of the above transient depdency
Note: |
indicates a child dependency (dependency of a dependency or a dependency of a transitive dependency).
Finally, I have tried following the instructions listed here to no avail (expect adding validation.xml
since I don't think this is required). Any help would be appreciated!
As @JamesR.Perkins suggested, this was due to using an older version of the validation provider resteasy-validator-provider
compared to resteasy-vertx
. Additionally, I was using the old artifact ID.
To get this working I removed org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-validator-provider-11:3.0.11.Final
from my build.gradle
and added org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-validator-provider:4.5.3.Final
. Note the artifact ID has updated from resteasy-validator-provider-11
to resteasy-validator-provider
and I chose version 4.5.3.Final
for the validator since it matched the version of resteasy-vertx
I was using.
For clarity, my project now depends on the following directly (listed in the build.gradle
| org.hibernate:hibernate-validation:6.2.0.Final // Pulled in via the above
And depends on the following transitively (via dependencies of dependencies):
| org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-client:4.5.3.Final // Pulled in as a dependency of the above transient depdency
Note: |
indicates a child dependency (dependency of a dependency or a dependency of a transitive dependency).