I created a menu bar and created dynamically the li and anchor using js.
Now can I add the href and text usng JavaScript to each of the created list:
so when clicking on any of the list items, it moves to the linked section on the page.
Select and iterate over your li>a
s and set their href
and any other attribute you want. Something like below
const links = [{
title: 'Google',
link: 'google.com'
}, {
title: 'Yahoo',
link: 'yahoo.com'
}, ];
document.querySelectorAll('li>a').forEach((itm, index) => {
if (index >= links.length) return;
itm.href = links[index].link;
itm.text = links[index].title
<a />
<a />
Or you can add li
s dynamically according to your array of links.
const links = [{
title: 'Google',
link: 'google.com'
}, {
title: 'Yahoo',
link: 'yahoo.com'
}, ];
let ul = document.getElementById('nav');
links.forEach(itm => {
let li = document.createElement("li");
let link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = itm.link;
link.text = itm.title
<ul id="nav"></ul>