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I have some error with my code, can someone please review it once

[] Can someone please look into this code and tell me why is it giving this error:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-43-01ba3f5a9a3e> in <module>
     89 if __name__ == '__main__':
---> 90     public_key,private_key = generate_keyPairs()
     91     print("Public: ",public_key)
     92     print("Private: ",private_key)

<ipython-input-43-01ba3f5a9a3e> in generate_keyPairs()
     53         E = generatenextPrime(E)
     54         #print(type(F))
---> 55         g = gcd(E,phi)
     56     #print("E=",E,)
     57     #print(type(E))

<ipython-input-43-01ba3f5a9a3e> in gcd(a, b)
     11 def gcd(a, b):
     12     while b != 0:
---> 13         a, b = b, a % b
     14     return a

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'NoneType' and 'int'

I am trying to study the nature of encryption key component 'e' in RSA.


  • as the error message says: a is not a number but None. I assume that generatenextPrime(E) returns None

    def generatenextPrime(num):
        E = num+1
        #print ("E= %d" %E)
        if is_prime(E):
            return E
            num += 1  # <--- nothing (None) is returned in that case

    try this instead

    def generatenextPrime(num):
        e = num
        while not is_prime(e):
            e += 1
        return e