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How do i get all inputs from div except empry values for jspdf?

Im using jspdf to create a pdf from some divs i have. There are a lot of inputs,some of them are required,some are not. I need to get only the values that are not empty from my input fields,but i can't make it work,even tho im 90% sure my code should work fine. Here it is:

  var doc = new jsPDF();
    var i=1;
    $("div#home :input[type=text]").each(function(){
 var input = $(this);
 var text = input.attr('placeholder')+':  '+input.val();

doc.text(10, (i*8) + (10),text+"\n");


The code above does not work. when i use it,i get nothing for the pdf. if i remove the .lenght>0 it works,but it gets all the empty values so my pdf goes with a lot of blank spaces. i have tried using input.val().>0,input.val().!=='',and none of them works,they all give me the same result. How can i check properly if my input fields are not null?


  • I found the answer to my own problem. The code is fine,the problem was in my auto increment variable "i".

          var doc = new jsPDF();
        var i=1;
        $("div#home :input[type=text]").each(function(){
     var input = $(this);
     var text = input.attr('placeholder')+':  '+input.val();
    doc.text(10, (i*8) + (10),text+"\n");

    As you can see above,my variable was outside the "each" loop that was looping trough the non-empty values of my input fields. The loop was fine,but as the "i++" variable was out of the loop,it was couting empty values and giving me blank spaces between the non-empty ones. So the only thing i needed to do was to move my "i" inside the loop. Yes,pretty stupdid error,but it took me hours to find out.