I have the following statement in my Hour.cpp file: (after class Hour)
Hour Hour ::operator+(const Hour& h1, const Hour& h2) const{
return Hour(h1.getHour()+ h2.getHour(), h1.getMinute() + h2.getMinute(), h1.getSecond() + h2.getSecond());
However, after running it I get:
error: must take either zero or one argument
While overloading an operator as a member function, you can only another class as a second operand. The first operand is the object of the class itself. So, you have two options:
Hour Hour::operator+(const Hour& h) const{
return Hour(hour_ + h.getHour(), minute_ + h.getMinute(), seconds_ + h.getSecond());
where hour_, minute_, seconds_ are member variables of Hour class.
Hour operator+(const Hour& h1, const Hour& h2) const{
return Hour(h1.getHour()+ h2.getHour(), h1.getMinute() + h2.getMinute(), h1.getSecond() + h2.getSecond());