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How to display Euro sign in pdf using jasper report?

I'm using XML to produce a jasper report with Java and Intellij IDE, jasper version is 5.0.4.

On the xml file there is Euro sign but when the report is created on pdf, I see € instead of

On the top of xml file I have the following encoding <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

And this is how I add Euro symble to the xml:

      <![CDATA["Please send the amount of " + $V{total}.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) + " € to the bankaccount ..."]]>

How does it come and what should I add to the xml file to resolve this problem?


  • I have changed the jasperreports version from 5.0.4 to 6.17.0 and it solved the issue. In my opinion the reason why it doesn't display the symbol on correct why was that I changed java from 1.7 to 11 but I did not touche the jasperreports version.
