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Can I replace multiple volatile reads with one given all of them are executed within ReentrantLock.lock()/unlock()

I'm looking into the implementation of ConcurrentReferenceHashMap in Spring Framework, particularly into restructure() method:

protected final class Segment extends ReentrantLock {

    private volatile Reference<K, V>[] references; // <-- !

    private void restructure(boolean allowResize, @Nullable Reference<K, V> ref) {
        boolean needsResize;
        try {
            boolean resizing = false;
            int restructureSize = this.references.length; // <-- !

            Reference<K, V>[] restructured =
                    (resizing ? createReferenceArray(restructureSize) : this.references);// <-- !

            for (int i = 0; i < this.references.length; i++) { // <-- !
                ref = this.references[i]; // <-- !

            if (resizing) {
                this.references = restructured;
                this.resizeThreshold = (int) (this.references.length * getLoadFactor());// <-- !
        finally {

As you can see here we have multiple reads and writes into volatile references array and all of them happen within lock()/unlock() synchronization block.

The JavaDoc of java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock, namely its Memory Synchronization part claims, that

All Lock implementations must enforce the same memory synchronization semantics as provided by the built-in monitor lock, as described in Chapter 17 of The Java™ Language Specification:

  • A successful lock operation has the same memory synchronization effects as a successful Lock action.
  • A successful unlock operation has the same memory synchronization effects as a successful Unlock action.

Unsuccessful locking and unlocking operations, and reentrant locking/unlocking operations, do not require any memory synchronization effects.

My question is: can I rewrite the code in order to have one read from volatile field into a local var (i.e. synchronize on stack) and use it to avoid repeating volatile access? Won't it break JMM assuming that

Unsuccessful locking and unlocking operations, and reentrant locking/unlocking operations, do not require any memory synchronization effects.


  • Here is my answer to the additional question in this comment:

    I don't understand the race here: writing into references within restructure() is guarded by lock()-unlock() block, so it happens-before read from references in getReference(), doesn't it? And vice-versa: reading from references in getReference() "sees" only the last (in terms of execution within lock-unlock) writing into references, doesn't it?

    Few notes first:

    • ... writing into references within restructure() is guarded by lock()-unlock() block, so it happens-before read from references in getReference() ...

      That is not true.

      lock()-unlock() block provides happens-before and atomicity guarantees only to other lock()-unlock() blocks (and they must use the same Lock object).

      The read in getReference() is not inside lock()-unlock(), so it can happen in parallel with another thread writing something inside restructure() method.

    • ... reading from references in getReference() "sees" only the last (in terms of execution within lock-unlock) writing into reference ...

      references (I am talking here about the reference which is an instance field in Segment, not the local variable with the same name in getReference()) is a volatile field, and, as a result, all reads and writes to this field happens in a global order (synchronization order, one per execution, can be different in different executions), and every read of references always sees the latest write to it.

      It's important to understand that:

      • only references field (which stores reference to Reference<K, V>[] object) is volatile, not the Reference<K, V>[] object itself
      • reads and writes of an array element at some index references[i] aren't volatile even if the references is volatile.
        In JLS terms these are different variables.

    Here is an execution that has a data race (the code is simplified for clarity):

    volatile references = [val0]; // Initially
    Thread 1                  | Thread 2                | Thread 3               
                              | restructure(...) {      |                        
                              |   lock();               |                        
                              |   references[0] = val1; |                        
                              |   unlock();             |                        
                              | }                       | restructure(...) {     
                              |                         |   lock();              
                              |                         |   references[0] = val2;
                              |                         |   unlock();            
                              |                         | }                      
    getReference(...)         |                         |                        
      var r2 = references[0]; |                         |                        
    }                         |                         |                        

    Given that:

    • references[0] = val2 is actually 2 actions from JMM perspective:
      • a volatile read of references
      • a non-volatile write into the array's element references[0]
    • var r2 = references[0]; is also 2 actions from JMM perspective:
      • a volatile read of references
      • a non-volatile read of references[0] element of the array

    here is a version that reflects that:

     // Initially
    volatile v = [val0];
     Thread 1    | Thread 2      | Thread 3     
                 | lock();       |              
                 | r3 = v;       |              
                 | r3[0] = val1; |              
                 | unlock();     |              
                 |               | lock();      
                 |               | r4 = v;      
                 |               | r4[0] = val2;
                 |               | unlock();    
     r1 = v;     |               |              
     r2 = r1[0]; |               |              

    Let's rewrite it in terms of JLS actions:

    • o represent a Reference<K, V>[] object
    • v is a volatile variable initialized with a reference to o object
    • Rv is a volatile read
    • R and W are non-volatile read and write
    • value x in R(..):x or Rv(..):x shows the value returned by the read
    // Initial writes
    W(o=[val0]), Wv(v=o)
     T1        | T2           | T3           
               | Lock         |              
               | Rv(v):o      |              
               | W(o[0]=val1) |              
               | Unlock       |              
               |              | Lock         
               |              | Rv(v):o      
               |              | W(o[0]=val2) 
               |              | Unlock       
     Rv(v):o   |              |              
     R(o[0]):? |              |              

    Program order:

    T1.Rv(v) -> T1.R(o[0])
    T2.Lock -> T2.Rv(v) -> T2.W(o[0]=val1) -> T2.Unlock
    T3.Lock -> T3.Rv(v) -> T3.W(o[0]=val2) -> T3.Unlock

    Synchronization order (specific for this execution) — global order for synchronization actions:

    Initial writes -> T2.Lock -> T2.Rv(v) -> T2.Unlock -> T3.Lock -> T3.Rv(v) -> T3.Unlock -> T1.Rv(v)

    Synchronized-with relation (it exists between some action pairs in synchronization order):

    Initial writes -> 1st action in every thread
    T2.Unlock -> T3.Lock

    Here are both program order and synchronized-with:

                  ↓ (po)                   
    T1 │       T2 │         T3 │           
       │          ↓ (sw)       │           
       │        Lock           │           
       │          ↓ (po)       │           
       │        Rv(v):o        │           
       │          ↓ (po)       │           
       │        W(o[0]=val1)   │           
       │          ↓ (po)       │           
       │        Unlock         ↓ (sw)      
       │          └—————————→ Lock         
       │                (sw)   ↓ (po)     
       │                      Rv(v):o      
       │                       ↓ (po)     
       │                      W(o[0]=val2) 
       │                       ↓ (po)     
       ↓ (sw)                 Unlock       
       ↓ (po)                              

    Together program order and synchronized-with give us happens-before:

                  ↓ (hb)                   
       │       T2 │                       
       │          ↓ (hb)                  
       │        Lock                      
       │          ↓ (hb)                  
       │        Rv(v):o                   
       │          ↓ (hb)                  
       │        W(o[0]=val1)              
       │          ↓ (hb)                  
       │        Unlock               
       │          └—————————————┐           
       │                     T3 │      
       │                        ↓ (hb)     
       │                      Lock         
       │                        ↓ (hb)     
       │                      Rv(v):o      
       │                        ↓ (hb)     
       │                      W(o[0]=val2) 
    T1 │                        ↓ (hb)     
       ↓ (hb)                 Unlock       
       ↓ (hb)                              

    As you can see:

    1. there are conflicting accesses to o[0]:
      • W(o=[val0]) in Initial writes
      • R(o[0]) in T1
      • W(o[0]=val1) in T2
      • W(o[0]=val2) in T3
    2. the read of o[0] in T1 is not ordered by happens-before with writes to o[0] in T2 and T3

    This is a data race by the definition from the JLS:

    When a program contains two conflicting accesses (§17.4.1) that are not ordered by a happens-before relationship, it is said to contain a data race.

    As a result, the read of o[0] in T1 in this execution can return:

    1. either the latest write that happens-before it (i.e. val0 from Initial writes)
    2. or any write that is not related to it by happens-before (i.e. val1 from T2 or val2 from T3)

    Of course, it's just one possible execution, there are many other possible executions.