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NoSuchMethodError with JSON-Lib and JDK 1.4

I've downloaded the supposedly latest JDK 1.3 compatible binary named json-lib-2.4-jdk13.jar and am getting the following error.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.lang.ThreadLocal: method remove()V not found
    at net.sf.json.AbstractJSON.removeInstance(

I checked the JDK 1.4 API and noticed that remove method on a ThreadLocal is indeed unsupported, and only added in JDK 1.5

The offending code is:

protected static void removeInstance(Object instance)
  Set set = getCycleSet();
  if (set.size() == 0)

Does anyone know if I've missed something obvious here, or need an additional download or something?


  • Set#remove(Object) is certainly defined in Java 1.3. The error is actually saying that ThreadLocal#remove()V does not exist. That came in 1.5. (See? No such method!)

    Here is the source of the bug in json-lib 2.4 (jdk1.3)


        * Removes a reference for cycle detection check.
       protected static void removeInstance( Object instance ) {
          Set set = getCycleSet();
          set.remove( instance );
          if(set.size() == 0) {
              cycleSet.remove();   // BUG @ "line 221"

    Since in we see:

       private static class CycleSet extends ThreadLocal {
          protected Object initialValue() {
             return new SoftReference(new HashSet());
          public Set getSet() {
             Set set = (Set) ((SoftReference)get()).get();
             if( set == null ) {
                 set = new HashSet();
                 set(new SoftReference(set));
             return set;

    But ThreadLocal (1.3) has no such method.

    [edit after @AlexR answer/comment]:

    Given that the lib is open source, I think this may fix it (not tested):

       private static class CycleSet extends ThreadLocal {
          protected Object initialValue() {
             return new SoftReference(new HashSet());
          /** added to support JRE 1.3 */
          public void remove() {
          public Set getSet() {
             Set set = (Set) ((SoftReference)get()).get();
             if( set == null ) {
                 set = new HashSet();
                 set(new SoftReference(set));
             return set;